Friday, November 10, 2006

My people

I figure some multimedia might make up for lost words since the last time I posted.

Wim is a very talented and entertaining gentleman from Canberra who I've had the privilege of jamming with on guitar every so often. He's also a devil on the tango floor, but that privilege he saves for the ladies. Hear him in lo-fi here:

Wim - Georgia on my mind
Wim and Dave - So what

The happy couple Adrian and Lei-Ching are a couple of workmates who kindly invited me to their beautiful wedding a few weeks ago - (where I found out the origin of the phrase 'tie the knot' is from a Celtic marriage tradition where the bride and groom were wed by literally having a knot tied around their joined hands)

Jaz popped down on annual leave - and we found the lighthouse that was used on the set of the TV series of Paul Jennings' Round the Twist (Australian children of the 80s throw your hands up)

And lastly, the Western hospital ball - where my registrar rolled up like William Wallace in his kilt, my co-intern drank enough to kill both our livers, and I met my crush's boyfriend. (sigh.) And before anyone asks, I'm not meant to be a cowboy, but more like Alan Moore's pulpy comic character Greyshirt (have to get the nerd referencing right).

Shout out to the final year UNSW med students who finished their exams today, peace!

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