Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I'm on a day off. The sun is shining and although I am indoors, I have the windows and blinds wide open. The afternoon rays are tickling my feet.

The day has been strange. It started out as I planned: I woke up with the full intent to try (again) to write some music. As usual, it progressed to me aping John Legend hooks and then giving up for a couple of hours while I watched episodes of Entourage and wished I was a handsome movie star.

I called my co-intern because we're supposed to have dinner with our registrar tonight. He informed me that one of our patients died today. Unexpectedly. This, unfortunately, makes two in the last week.

Both patients were quite old and any sort of physical insult would have been enough to tip them past the point of no return, but that said, both of them were the sort of patients that you think will inhabit their hospital bed til the end of forever before dying.

It's no secret this term has been tiring for me, and I wonder if I, or we, as a team, got complacent.

Three more days in the rotation. Three more days to straighten up and stay sharp.


I'm still drafting that letter to the newspaper. It has been difficult, trying to find the right voice, and tone - trying not to sound condescending or righteous but trying to still capture the vitriol. I'll keep you posted.


I was invited to dinner by this girl I met at work who I think might be interested in me because I'm a vertically endowed Asian doctor. It didn't go so well. Dinner was lovely, and her friends were nice but there was a fairly gaping cultural chasm between these actual Asians and me, the banana. Probably didn't help that I couldn't follow the conversation most of the time and was too embarrassed to say anything about it.

(Suyen: I therefore did not cause a ruckus. Let's see about this Saturday, at the Hospital ball)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah yes the ever-rare commodity that is the vertically endowed asian male hehehe...