Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hit the ground stumbling (aka the Ketone Express)

It's been a hectic seven days. I haven't blogged recently because I'm tired. I tried to blog the last weekend but it became too wordy and hurt my brain so let's do dot points. The facts:

  • finished in the bush by telling a lady she had ovarian cancer...and almost missed diagnosing a lady with an already partially ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Very Bad.
  • New rotation. General Internal Medicine. Haven't finished before 2100hrs (9:00pm to normal people, or halfway through Grey's/Housewives/OC/House) since starting. Is it my woeful inefficiency, or is it the job? Very Bad.
  • Hollow Hallmark: I've pronounced people dead before but I've never had to do it in front of the family while this patient died in front of their eyes. There are no words for those moments, but you say them anyway to fill the silence, as if it will fill empty hearts.
  • Too many one meal days, but as any paediatrician knows, it's the dehydration that'll get you. Lips feel like sandpaper. Need IV.
  • Was told the previous intern took one week off on 'stress leave'. Does not bode well. Apparently the boss nurse is a power freak. Bring her on. Starting to feel like a fight. If she gives any of the interns shit I preparing a nice, Hollywood style soapbox Samuel L Jackson holier than thou speech.
That's about it for now.

Oh, and I discovered Fiona Apple finally. My waif-singer-songwriter of the moment.

1 comment:

misthe said...


i think gen med is well known for being the department which will test your abilities to the limit....i've done 13 weeks of it! but y'know, when you do other specialties, they seem like a walk in the park in comparison, so i guess there's some consolation there. hang in there dude!!