Saturday, February 04, 2006

Saturday soap: General hospital

For those who wanted a little bit of a trashy blog entry: fresh from the Gossip mags!

Night shift is not a real glamorous time of day!

The cute nurses tend to come out at the 0730hr handover, by which time you're so sleep deprived you might as well be wearing beer glasses. So who knows, really? (I don't want to slight or otherwise incense the terrific and friendly nursing staff I have worked with though - that's just death-wish material)

There are a few cute interns, but they tend to have weird growths called boyfriends. I will probably have to say though, to my UNSW ladies, that on a hotness per capita basis, you guys(gals) still have the upper hand. For the ladies: there is a registrar with a lush Scottish accent who I thought was fairly chiselled until I started thinking he looked a bit like Ruben. And, continuing on accents, there's another gentleman here if you'd like a Jamaican/Dominican for coffee.

For the fellas, nobody yet matches your unique blend of xbox-beating/inspired lunacy/golf club waving machismo.

The hunt continues.

1 comment:

J said...

well have to have a tournament and fly u up when the xbox 360 arrives...
Mr Plow needs a whooping