Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Just to get that maudlin quarter-life crisis post off the top of the page.

Something to amuse you -

Top Five Vicious Slurs hurled at me by demented patients in the last 48 hours

1. You're a Fathead
2. You're a Ratbag
3. You're a Louse
4. I'm gonna stab you
5. You're going to hell for what you've done, I hope you're parents can't see you now

Awesome. Loving it! Even got to do this:

Pt: "Why won't you own up to what you've done to my husband?" (I have nothing to do with her husband)

Me: "...I can't lie to you...see you!"

Simpsons Movie, out late July!


Re: the Northern Territory Children are Sacred controversy.

John Howard is a total crisis-whore. That said, while I don't think what he's chosen to do is a good long term solution, at least the action and exposure of the topic may help kickstart real thought and planning about it. My question is a more long term one though (post on this issue soon - I've been re-writing it for hours and my head hurts).

Is assimilation truly a dirty word?

More on this, after the break.


J said...

Haha. My fav one was "If your parents could see you now they'd be ashamed of you! Stealing from me! You're a doctor.. you should know better than these nurses"
She got a nice dose of meds to put her to sleep.

Sid said...

wow dave, delving into politics now... interesting. I don´t think assimilation is a bad word, but i can understand why people feel that it would involve a loss of cultural idetity. Although, after being here in Peru for a couple weeks now, a nation conquered by the Spanish, I see the affect of assimilation and it isn´t all bad. You can see it most obviously in the catholic churches (the spaniard brought catholicism, but some of the ancient ways have still been included). example, in Cusco, the main cathedral as a massive paiting of the last supper with a roast guinea pig ( a peruvian delicacy which i´ve tried - tastes like chicken but difficult to get the meat out) being served. So I don´t think the native people of Peru have lost their cultural identity with assimilation of the Spanish... but each case is different I suppose.