Friday, June 23, 2006

The wagon

Thinking about God lately.

As the stories roll in, and continue to roll in, from my intern colleagues about how swamped they are and how tired they are, I keep wondering when the wheels are going to fall off my wagon and when I'm going to be hit by "the REAL intern experience."

This is the third term out of five and somehow I've managed to dodge dipshit registrars, tyrannical consultants and even heavy patient loads. I've also managed to hide the fact that I probably know a lot less than my 6th year Medical Student.

Meanwhile my colleagues here in rural Victoria are struggling - one with doing essentially a registrar's job because her reg is a lazy know-nothing and the other is going so bonkers with her patient load that she thought it was a good idea to tie my shoes to the light fittings for fun and then drop chip fragments into my hair.

I have other friends and colleagues dealing with moderate depression and personal tragedy.

In some cases, such as with my colleagues here, I can give them a hand and offer my time after my shift and my severely limited expertise, but what I really want is to give them, and the rest of you, bits of this Four-Leaved Clover that I somehow stumbled upon. I know it sounds f**king hokey, but it's true. I'm probably just a little bit of a Communist Lesbian at heart.

You can have my luck - I think I've had more than my fair share, and besides, a little adversity builds character, right?

I don't pray, because I'm not a religious person (even though I've met yet ANOTHER gorgeous, lovely and single Christian girl just recently and it's driving me BONKERS), but I'm thinking about you guys, all of you. (That is, everytime except when I'm concentrating hard on not killing patients)

And so, I've been thinking about God. Not necessarily the Christian God, or the Catholic God or even Buddha, but just "a" God. I'm wondering whether he/she gave this blessing/lesson for any particular reason, or if it's just a random scatter of the fairy dust.

I guess it really doesn't matter what he/she planned, but what I do with this.

So if you suddenly discover money, food, or hot supermodels raining down on your doorsteps, you'll know I've figured out a useful way to send my luck your way.

Until then, thinking will have to do.

If God places anymore gorgeous and likeable single Christian women in my path I will be convinced that he is in fact, a she, because only a woman would tease like that.

Addendum II:

GO SOCCEROOS! Retarded British refereeing and rough-housing Croatians couldn't keep us down!

That is all.


esmephelia said...

cant help it if so many christian ladies are lovely and wonderful hahaha

J said...

please ignore the above comment... haha
keep thinking

Gulliver's daughter said...

My piece of the Four-Leaved Clover that you somehow stumbled upon is having you as one of my best friends.

How lucky is that??